Pirates & Mermaids Two Day Workshop

Two days jam packed with fun, dance, drama, crafts, games, tricks, turns and much more! MONDAY 12TH & TUESDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 2018. 11-4PM – THE HOWARD VENUE £35 per child (10% sibling discount) Age 5 and over. Come and join us for two days of pirate and...

January 2018 Timetable

We are back next week and we can not wait to get stuck in to lots of new choreography and fun crafts. Lots of wonderful classes and performance opportunities planned for this term!! See you all there!!

NEW ‘Girl Gang’

GIRL GANG Our New Girls Only Street and Hip Hop class starts on Thursday 18th January 2018 with Alex S. Alex is extremely passionate and can’t wait to add this class to his Thursday evening. He has been teaching  ‘Boyz on the Block’ for Simply Performers since...